Wednesday, August 10, 2011

my cousins from my dad's side

i noticed that my cousins who are from my dad's side, i don't really like. my cousin Kristen Lorico is my cousin from my dad's side. however, i love my cousin Kristen from my dad's side. the cousins i don't like are Arman Ramilo, May Ramilo, Valerie Ramilo, and Mark Ramilo. i don't really like my aunt Neunca Ramilo. she would invite herself over to her brother's house. her brother is my dad. my dad is Neunca Ramilo's brother. she would invite herself over to the home. the Lorico home. Flora Lorico, Rene Lorico, Jaimie Lorico, Jonathan Lorico, and Jensine Lorico(me)'s home. i think it is not polite to invite urself over somewhere.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Myles Anthony Cunanan and Aldrich Concepcion

i'm letting them go for good. if there is a reason i shouldn't let go of them for good than i'll think it over again. i think it'll be for the best. Me, Myles, Aldrich, Myles sister Jayde, and Aldrich sister Nastassjia will all be at peace. we're at peace right now. i think i like it better that way. i don't think i could like Myles or Aldrich more than just a friend. i hope Myles and Aldrich find a girl who will love them to the fullest.

cell phone.

i seriously don't like how i have a cell phone that has no texting and internet. honestly, i'll only go on the internet from my phone to upload the pictures i have on my cell phone. if there is a such thing as unlimited internet using on a cell phone than i'll go on the internet from my phone whenever i want. why does it matter if the cell phone bill cost a lot? the home bill cost way more.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Northridge academy high school[:

i met Myles Anthony Cunanan in 9th grade. i had him in my P.E. class. he was in my health and life skills class. i liked him when i first saw his face. i miss him so much.
I met him when i was in 10th or 11th grade. he liked me. i liked him too. he disappointed me at times. i thought i would never ever forgive him but i did. i always forgive people. however, i forgive but i don't forget. he was my first ever boyfriend. my first love too. i have to say that honestly i made a mistake making him my first ever boyfriend. Him and I didn't even date. we just saw each other at school. that was it. i loved him. he loved me. however, i thought it was a bad choice i've made having him as my first ever boyfriend. i'm sorry but it's the truth. i'll always be thankful that he gave me a chance. he liked, loved, cared, for me.
i'm glad that i met them in high school. i don't think i'll ever go back to liking, loving Aldrich Concepcion. For Myles Anthony Cunanan i don't know but my feelings for him just won't go away

Northridge academy high school

Saturday, July 30, 2011

text and internet on cellphone

i don't understand why some people could have texting, internet, or both on their cellphones and i can't. for me, it is not fair. all i could do on my cellphone is call, record songs, take pictures, and play games. i feel that it is so unfair. i don't even ask for a lot of things. i don't ask anyone to buy me a car or home. this is probably the most expensive thing i asked for ever. i don't ask to buy all of my favorite foods. or to cook all of the foods i like to eat. to me it is just not fair. i know the cell phone bill is going to cost a lot more than the actual amount. when i make money i'll pay for my own cell phone bill. i guess i do want texting and internet. i say that because i always bring it up. another, i used to have texting and internet on my cell phone.