Wednesday, August 10, 2011

my cousins from my dad's side

i noticed that my cousins who are from my dad's side, i don't really like. my cousin Kristen Lorico is my cousin from my dad's side. however, i love my cousin Kristen from my dad's side. the cousins i don't like are Arman Ramilo, May Ramilo, Valerie Ramilo, and Mark Ramilo. i don't really like my aunt Neunca Ramilo. she would invite herself over to her brother's house. her brother is my dad. my dad is Neunca Ramilo's brother. she would invite herself over to the home. the Lorico home. Flora Lorico, Rene Lorico, Jaimie Lorico, Jonathan Lorico, and Jensine Lorico(me)'s home. i think it is not polite to invite urself over somewhere.

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