Saturday, July 30, 2011

text and internet on cellphone

i don't understand why some people could have texting, internet, or both on their cellphones and i can't. for me, it is not fair. all i could do on my cellphone is call, record songs, take pictures, and play games. i feel that it is so unfair. i don't even ask for a lot of things. i don't ask anyone to buy me a car or home. this is probably the most expensive thing i asked for ever. i don't ask to buy all of my favorite foods. or to cook all of the foods i like to eat. to me it is just not fair. i know the cell phone bill is going to cost a lot more than the actual amount. when i make money i'll pay for my own cell phone bill. i guess i do want texting and internet. i say that because i always bring it up. another, i used to have texting and internet on my cell phone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I have more pictures of my family and I. I love them so much. I miss those family vacations. I might start my own family one day. i don't think it would be the same though. I love these people so much. My mom, dad, sister, and brother are the best. I have so much to thank them for<3

Monday, July 25, 2011


my mom said she is going to return my laptop if i don't take a shower. she should try. if she does return my laptop i will never forgive her. what has been her problem lately? she has been getting upset over the littlest things. like what the heck!? she needs to chill sometimes. all she does is lecture me. i love my mom. but sometimes she should just chill, relax, calm the heck down, and not get upset over the littlest things.

these shirts =D

Saturday, July 23, 2011

“Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending.” - Drake
People make far to many promises that they have no intentions of keeping. Keep your promises to yourself until you are really ready to back them up

Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress

"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan

“Even though we let it go, it’s better that you know I still got it for ya.” - Drake (Still Got It Lyrics)

“Would’ve came back for you, I just needed time to do what I had to do; caught in the life. I can’t let it go, whether that’s right, I will never know…” - Drake (Aston Martin Music Lyrics)

“It’s feeling like the second chance and it’s the first impression.” - Drake (Fall For Your Type Lyrics)

“You a star in my eyes.” - Drake

“Life’s story is as quick as the wink of an eye. Love’s story is merely hello and goodbye until we meet again.” - Drake


I miss Myles Anthony Cunanan so much. i'm really trying to get over him. however, my feelings that i have for him keep coming back. i wonder how is his summer vacation. by the time i transfer to CSUN if i don't find a guy that i love as much as him. I'm going for him and that is once and for all. if he doesn't find a girl that he truly loves and wants to have her for the rest of his life than i'm making him mine. i truly miss him. He is forever in my heart. he always has been since 9th grade.

Friday, July 22, 2011

grandma ;)

sometimes my grandma elena could be so annoying. when she tells me to eat over and over again. she doesn't have to tell me to eat. when i'm hungry i'll eat. also, i don't really like when she gets the mail. the mail isn't hears. when she has something in the mail, me or my mom will give it to her. sometimes, i don't really like my grandma. she's my mom's mother. but i respect my mom more than her. after all, my mom is the one who raised me since i was born. honestly, she doesn't really have to be here in california. sometimes, all my grandma cares about is money. i know i'm not really being respectful right now. i just can't help it. I'm sorry mom for saying this about your mother. also, i'm sorry Lord for saying this about my grandma. i hope you will understand that it is just how i feel truthfully. amen.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

i love blogging too :)

the movies that i want to watch that are out in theaters :)

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2
winnie the pooh

and there are more :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

some people just complain too much. -.-
what the heck?!

is the computer only used to do work sheesh.

they invented computers for a reason. one of them is to work.
but that is not the only thing a computer is for -.-

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

yeah things change however.

just cuz things change doesn't mean you need to change too.another thing...just because we're older doesn't mean things have to change.
that's why i always say. i wish things were how it used to be.
i know you can't rewind life.
i guess i just have to go with it.
i'm not going to be happy about it but i just have to go with it.