Monday, May 30, 2011

Bring it!

i'm ready for you finals aha. finals has nothing on me.
although, i'm going to do my best to pass the final. because if i pass the final, i pass the class
enough said.

nice song :)


i had a dream that i went to Disneyland.
i asked my mom if i could get batteries for the camera. she said yeah.
and so i did. but right when i wanted to take pictures at Disneyland. my dream ended :(
i was like wtha? when i woke up. also, i was like does that mean something? :O

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lola and Lolo?

grandma and grandpa coming tonight.

yay, for goodies from the Philippines :D

finally, i haven't had goodies from the Philippines in awhile hehe ;D

Saturday, May 28, 2011


you would

this boy :)

i know this boy and him and I have much in common.
i bet he doesn't even know hehe.
first of all we're both 19 unless he is 20 ;)
i'm really done with guys who are younger than me.
now i fall for guys the same age as me or one year older :)


not going out.
stuck home studying for finals.
on Tuesday i have computer and painting final.
oh great ;)